Preparation: Type of coffee makers

In order to prepare a coffee, the point of milling must be considered first, it’s essential to obtain a correct extraction. This will vary according to the coffee maker chosen.

If the coffee is ground too thick, the water will cross too quickly and it will offer a watery drink without body.

If the coffee is too thin, the extraction will be too slow and it will offer a bitter, astringent drink, too concentrated.

The quality of the water is also very important. It must be low mineral content and free from excessive chlorine. The water in the tank must be replaced in espresso coffee machines after three days in the tank.

French coffee press

We will need a thick point of milling and between 8 and 10 g of coffee for a 150 ml. cup. It is completely manual. The preparation is simple and we will obtain a tasty coffee, with a good body and thin sediment.

1.         Preheat the coffee press and the cup to use with hot water.

2.         Add the desired amount of coffee.

3.         Pour the correspondent water vigorously and with circular moves so everything gets equally soaked and nearly at boiling point temperature. It is not necessary to fill it completely because if the coffee is too fresh or recently ground, it can increase its volume. 

4.         Let the coffee rest for a few seconds and stir it well with a coffee spoon afterwards. Place the lid with the filter in the machine without touching the water, to maintain the temperature.

5.         After 3-4 minutes, remove the lid and stir slowly. Place it again and press softly to move the ground coffee to the base of the coffee press. If you feel that the coffee doesn’t offer much resistance it means that the coffee was grinded to thick. Otherwise, it means that it was too thin, and you must be careful when you press the coffee because the coffee could escape through the sides of the filter.

6.         The coffee is ready. Serve it immediately and don’t leave any coffee in the press to prevent unpleasant notes to the taste.

Italian coffee maker

It is also called Oroley or Moka. It requires a medium milling point. It uses the pressure of the boiling water offering a highly concentrated drink.  

1.         It is important to put preheated water in the machine because if it is completely cold, the whole machine will heat too much and it will offer a more bitter taste with less body and it could also offer metallic and astringent notes.

2.         Fill with this heated water the base chamber just under the valve.

3.         Place the filter inside the base and fill it with coffee, pressing slightly and leaving it level.

4.         Tighten completely the two parts of the coffee maker without bending, grabbing the base with a cloth to avoid burning.

5.         Place the coffee maker over medium heat with the lid open.

6.         Pay attention to the coffee when it starts to gurgle in the upper chamber. When you see the coffee gurgling, reduce the heat to the minimum. It will first come out intermittently to become a honey coloured constant flux, this is when you have to remove the pot from the heat closing the lid.

7.         The coffee is ready.

Electric drip coffee maker

It is also known as Melitta. The milling point is medium to thin. It offers a medium body coffee, not very concentrated also known as American coffee.

1.         Place the paper filter in its place and soak it with hot water.

2.         Once the water has been removed from the filter, add between 8 to 10 g of coffee for a 150 ml. cup.

3.         Fill the tank with the water equivalent to the coffee used.

4.         Switch the machine on. When the water reaches the appropriate temperature it will fall over the ground coffee. Wait until the tanks empties and it will be ready to serve.

Manual filter coffee maker

It needs medium milling. The amount of coffee will be around 20 g for 230 ml. water. The difference between this system and the electric one is that we are the ones who control the water flux over the coffee, than can be useful to obtain better extraction a better body.

1.         Place the paper filter in its place and soak it with hot water.

2.         Once the water has been removed from the filter, add the ground coffee.

3.         Slowly, pour water at 95º at the centre of the coffee and then circularly in the rest, so all the coffee gets soaked without filtering to the cup. This will grow in volume, showing more resistance when we add the rest of the water.

4.         Let it rest for 30 seconds and then pour again hot water over the coffee slowly and with circular moves, ensuring we don’t pour water directly to the sides of the filter. This process should take about a minute. We recommend you to use a gooseneck pitcher to have a good control.

5.         Once obtained the 230 ml. of coffee, remove the filter and the coffee is ready.

AeroPress coffee maker

It needs a thin milling anda round 10 g per 250 ml. The result will be similar to the French coffee press but with less sediments and more body because in this case, the coffee goes through a paper filter at the end of the process.

1.         Place the paper filter in the plastic perforated disc and support it in the coffee cup. Soak it with hot water so we preheat the cup. Empty the cup.

2.         Soak the tube and place it with the black rubber part in the coffee elaboration cylinder, so the rubber nearly touches the lower part of the number 4 circle and support it over a top so the numbers are downwards.

3.         With the funnel of the coffee maker, add the ground coffee inside the cylinder. Remove the funnel and pour water vigorously at 95º until you reach the circle of number 2. Stir so all the coffee gets soaked homogeneously and then, continue pouring water until you reach a finger from the top. 

4.         Allow a minute to rest and tighten completely the disk with the filter.

5.         Turn it down and support it in the coffee cup. Once stabilised, with the two hands press slowly the upper tube down to begin the coffee extraction. Stop when all the water is in the cup.

Siphon coffee maker

It is also called Cona. It needs a medium milling point and it is advisable a short or light grind to extract the best qualities of the coffee with this system. We will obtain a light coffee but we will keep all its fruit and floral notes strengthened dramatically. The amount must be around 20 g of coffee for 200 ml. of water. 

It has two glass spheres placed one on top of the other. The one at the top is where ground coffee is placed; it is open on the upper part and it has a glass tube in the lower part that connects it to the other sphere. This one has a hole in the upper part and a support in which it is based. Under this, a heat source is applied, either an alcohol burner or a glass-ceramic hob. The water in the lower sphere boils, generating thus a pressure that takes it to the upper sphere where it infuses with the ground coffee for some minutes. Once the heat source has been removed, the water returns to the lower sphere sweeping along the infusion but not the coffee, which remains in the filter placed in the upper part of the tube. 

1.         Place the filter at the Entrance of the tube in the upper sphere, pulling the chain to ensure a correct positioning.

2.         With the water heated previously close to boiling point, fill the lower sphere and apply source of heat.

3.         When this begins boiling, place the tube of the upper sphere inside the lower one and wait until it goes up.

4.         Regulate the temperature to low trying to get very thin bubbles and slowly place the ground coffee in the upper sphere ensuring that the coffee gets fully soaked stirring it with a spatula.

5.         Maintain the flame for another 30 seconds and keep stirring in the opposite direction.

6.         Remove from the heat a minute after you have mixed the coffee with the water and allow it to go down to the lower sphere. Once there, it is ready to serve (in this case it is more appropriate to do so in a crystal glass).

Household espresso maker

The milling point must be thin (without being floury). It will offer an espresso type coffee: in an extraction of around 25 seconds, a drink of 35 ml. with a hazelnut coloured cream between 2 and 3 ml. thickness.

1.         Switch the machine on and remove the filter holder or espresso filter holder, cleaning the rests of previous extractions.

2.         Refill with 8-9 g of coffee per cup.

3.         Press the coffee slightly with the coffee maker press. Depending on the strength used, the coffee is more or less concentrated.

4.         Before placing the espresso filter holder, allow some water through in order to heat this part of the machine and to clean rests from previous coffees.

5.         We can start it and prepare the coffee. The coffee must fall fluent and constantly in the shape of a mouse tail. It is important that this doesn’t go over 30 seconds because after that time, it will then offer negative astringencies for the taste.

Single serve espresso machine

The pod is already prepared with the ideal milling point for an espresso. It has between 7 and 8 g of coffee wrapped and perfectly pressed in filter paper and it offers the same result as an espresso machine with ground coffee. The main advantage is that because every coffee is packaged individually and in a controlled atmosphere, it remains perfectly fresh for months until the moment of extraction and it is cleaner than any other system because it hardly needs cleaning after preparing a coffee.

1.         Switch the machine on and wait until it reaches the suggested temperature.

2.         Close the group without the pod and run water through it for a few seconds in order to heat it correctly (just for the first coffee; it won’t be necessary afterwards if we don’t switch the coffee maker off)

3.         Open the group. Then, open the envelope with the pod, place it in the group, close it and prepare the coffee.

4.         Once it is finished, remove the pod to avoid sticking in the group filter holder when it dries (should this happen, just rinse some water to soak it and remove it easily).

ATTENTION: It is important not to confuse this system with the capsules, because they only contain between 5 and 5.5 g of coffee that subjected to a very high pressure will have the appearance of an espresso without being one nor in body neither in taste. 

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