Factory and warehouse

After successive enlargements along the last years, we currently have available over 4,000 square metres, distributed as it follows:

The coffee is stored in a space with controlled temperature and moisture for its perfect conservation.

Once it leaves the warehouse, after a process of cleaning impurities, it is loaded in each of the 16 silos previous to the roasting process. Each silo contains a different origin.

Two machines with high capacity per roasting, computer-controlled at all times, go through the most delicate and important process.

Once roasted and stored again in one of the roasted coffee silos, we find three packaging lines for coffee in beans or ground and three packaging lines for single serves.

There is an area of finished products where we place all the products in order to be dispatched.

Training room where our specialists will let you discover all the coffee secrets until you become a real barista.

Workshop area where the coffee machines are serviced with the ideal parameters for our roasting point.

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